In an age where the internet is prevalent, online casinos have taken off; being able to gamble from the comfort of one's own home rather than having to go to a "brick and mortar" casino would be infinitely more convenient.
-The ability to have online casinos was all started in 1994 when Antigua and Barbuda, Caribbean islands, passed something called the Free Trade and Processing Zone Act.
-In 1996, the first online casino made an appearance.
-With the arrival of online casinos came the need to have secure online banking. Now, one can transfer funds in order to gamble in these online casinos with reasonable security.
-Gambling is most assuredly one of the most enjoyable past times for humanity, and the internet is one of the best chances most people will have to gamble.
-Online gambling is a multi-billion dollar industry that attracts not only players from the United States but from around the entire world.
-Online casinos do not require one to travel to them which makes them much more appealing to players.
-Craps, Poker, Blackjack, Baccarat, and Roulette are just some of the popular games that can be played online in these virtual casinos. Basically, any table game is a must have for online casinos to have.
-Scratch cards and slot machines are also available in these online casinos.
-Some online casinos offer to let players play the games without actually making any bets- simply playing the game for fun and no profit.
-Due to the many different kinds of Poker, this game is exceedingly popular for the online gambling community.
-Online gambling is becoming easier to participate in every year as technological advances are being made. Not only can one gamble from this computer, but one can also have access to their favorite casinos through their tablet and their smartphone.
-As players become more immersed in the world of online gambling, it is possible that "brick and mortar" casinos will become a thing of the past; however, any player would tell you that there is a certain draw to going to an actual casino. For now, both the online version and the "brick and mortar" version of casinos are drawing in millions of players.
-When one plays online casino games, there is less of a chance for the person to cheat; it is very improbable that someone will be able to cheat through the various methods often practiced in "brick and mortar" casinos.
While technology continues to take leaps and bounds and mighty strides, online casinos will most assuredly follow after; it will continue to call to the gambler in all of us. By making gambling easily accessible and plainly understandable, online casinos will keep their appeal and their following.

Gavin Lenaghan
Gavin writes on a wide range of subjects, including articles and reviews about online casinos, slots, bingo, poker, and sportsbooks. He has considerable expertise in the games, customer service, and other aspects of today’s leading gambling and betting portals.